
Diabetes Myths Debunked from Beyond Type 2

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Have you heard about Beyond Type 2? We are big fans. This site is chock full of resources and guides for living with and understanding Type 2 diabetes. I want to point out the Diabetes Myths Debunked article. It covers a lot of territory and is definitely worth a read.

From Beyond Type 2... 11 Myths About Diabetes

Check out the entire article to find out the truth about these topics.

  1. Diabetes isn't that serious.

  2. You get Type 2 diabetes after you have been scared.

  3. Being overweight causes diabetes; thin people don't have diabetes.

  4. I can never eat sweets or my favorite foods again and have to follow a strict, bland diet.

  5. Diabetes doesn't run in my family, so I'm good to go.

  6. It's okay to stop taking my medication once my blood sugar is under control.

  7. Type 2 diabetes is a death sentence.

  8. Going on insulin means you "failed" at diabetes management.

  9. Type 2 diabetes can be cured.

  10. Insulin causes blindness.

  11. Eating too much sugar causes Type 2 diabetes.

Don't forget to check out the Beyond Type 2 website!

New Research Broadens the View for Predicting Obesity-Related Disease Risk


Researchers have developed a more precise and nuanced method for predicting risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease than traditional body mass index (BMI) measurements. Scientists at Scripps Research have found a way to use molecular “signatures” from people with obesity to predict these risks. The authors of the study wrote, “While BMI correlates well and to a large extent with individual health outcomes, it does not have the sensitivity to identify outliers, some of which carry unique health consequences.”

The research is led by Amalio Telenti, MD, PhD, and shows that predictors of future diabetes and cardiovascular complications for an individual can be found among the body’s metabolites. Metabolites are molecules that all of us produce as we live, breathe, and eat. Scientists study the “metabolome,” which is a person’s collection of hundreds of metabolites. The metabolome creates specific signatures or combinations of variants that can indicate risk. "By looking at metabolome changes, we could identify individuals with a several-fold increase in their risk of developing of diabetes and cardiovascular disease over the ensuing years," says Telenti. Metabolome changes were not always associated with obesity – some people studied were lean but still at risk of disease.

This research looks like it will become a powerful tool for predicting and preventing diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the future. The study suggests that new technologies can broaden the way that scientists think about disease. You can learn a lot more about research related to molecular signatures by reading these two articles:

Diabetes and Emergency Planning in Michigan and Beyond

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Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to the individuals and families in North Carolina and South Carolina whom have been touched by Hurricane Florence and the flooding that has followed. Although Michigan is not affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, we have plenty of other reasons to take pause and invest some time in emergency planning. Probably our greatest weather threats in this area are snowstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and associated power outages.

For people living with different health challenges and conditions, there are unique precautions to be taken and plans to be made. For those living with diabetes, it is especially important to maintain a reasonable stock of supplies to last through an emergency. Additional supplies can be purchased through our retail online supply store or by calling us at 866.779.8512 (you can always discuss this with an agent when calling for an order or refill through Healthy Living).

Take a look at the CDC Preparedness page for people with diabetes. Four main topics that you may find helpful include:

  1. Information regarding insulin storage and switching between products in an emergency

  2. Diabetes disaster preparedness

  3. Be prepared: staying safe and healthy in winter weather

  4. Prepare for diabetes care in heat and emergencies

Beyond Type 1 recently published resources for those affected by Hurricane Florence – including contacts for disaster assistance, reminders for how to best stay safe and healthy, and also how to help. Some of their guidelines are applicable to us in Michigan:

Type 1 diabetes reminders for natural disasters

  • Identify yourself as someone who has diabetes

  • Stay hydrated

  • Keep emergency supplies with you to treat hypoglycemia

  • Secure insulin – If you can get to a pharmacy, it’s the best way to access your medicines or get emergency supplies.

Hopefully the winter weather ahead treats us kindly, but it’s worthwhile to be prepared for whatever might come!

Healthy Living Salutes Our Labor Day Weekend Work Team!

Happy Labor Day to our customers, providers, and partners!

Happy Labor Day to our customers, providers, and partners!

While Labor Day Weekend for many people means picnics and celebrating the unofficial end of summer, for people with diabetes it can mean delays in the delivery of their needed CGM and insulin pump supplies due to Holiday shipping interruptions. Healthy Living recognizes this and pulled together a Saturday orders processing team to ensure minimal disruption in supply delivery to our customers due to the Labor Day Holiday.

Five members of our Detroit-based customer care team focused on processing refill orders while three members of our shipping team in Troy packed shipments - we even arranged for a special UPS pick-up to in the early afternoon to ensure timely delivery of these critical medical supplies. Our team routinely looks at the calendar for potential supply bottlenecks that may be caused by holidays and plans accordingly. 

While we don't like to have our employees working on holiday weekends, we also realize that we are in the business of supporting people with a chronic disease and on occasion this involves weekend/holiday shifts. Healthy Living salutes our Saturday orders processing team of Donald, Christina, Tammi, John, Steve, Tara, Mansa and George for their work in helping our customers receive their diabetes supplies in a timely manner.

Looking for a durable medical equipment (DME) supplier for CGM, insulin pump supplies, or a new pump? Healthy Living Medical Supply specializes in diabetes related technologies and therapies and takes pride in providing compassionate and efficient customer service to our customers who are living with diabetes. Give us a call at 866.779.8512 (we answer calls FAST), chat with an agent live or fill the form on this page to start the simple, five minute enrollment process to begin receiving your CGM and insulin pump supplies from a group of people that get it.

Healthy Living Medical Supply is in-network with most major insurance companies in the state of Michigan, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (HAP), Priority Health, Michigan Medicaid, Medicare, and many others. 

Dexcom Acquires TypeZero Technologies: More Options for People with Diabetes

Dexcom acquires TypeZero Technologies and looks to enter the artificial pancreas and insulin delivery space.

Dexcom acquires TypeZero Technologies and looks to enter the artificial pancreas and insulin delivery space.

While nobody has a crystal ball, Dexcom's recent acquisition of TypeZero technologies is likely to mean even more options for people living with diabetes. The past year has seen a good deal of innovation in diabetes technology with Medtronic's release of their 670G hybrid closed loop system, Dexcom's finger stick free G6 CGM system, Medtronic's launch of their stand alone Guardian Connect CGM system, and Tandem's soon-to-be-released Basal IQ technology.

According to an article posted on the Diabtes.co.uk site this past Tuesday, Dexcom's acquisition of TypeZero might mean they are positioning the company to enter into the "artificial pancreas" and insulin delivery space. A compelling aspect of this deal is that TypeZero has already been working with a variety of companies including Tandem Diabetes, and Cellnovo - TyperZero's inControl system - seeks to create compatibility with multiple pump/CGM combinations, not just those that are proprietary in nature. Overall this is excellent news for people with diabetes, providers, and care team members. 

Looking for a durable medical equipment (DME) supplier for CGM, insulin pump supplies, or a new pump? Healthy Living Medical Supply specializes in diabetes-related technologies and therapies and takes pride in providing compassionate and efficient customer service to our customers who are living with diabetes. Give us a call at 866.779.8512, chat with an agent live, or fill the form on this page to start the simple, five-minute enrollment process to begin receiving your CGM and insulin pump supplies from a company that gets it.

Healthy Living Medical Supply is in network with most major insurance companies in the state of Michigan, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (HAP), Priority Health, Michigan Medicaid, Medicare, and many others. 


Introducing the Healthy Living Medical Supply Pediatric Program for Children with Type 1 Diabetes

At Healthy Living, we understand the unique needs of our pediatric members and their care teams. Call us at 866.779.8512 to learn more about our Pediatric Diabetes Supply program and to enroll for the great customer service that you deserve.

At Healthy Living, we understand the unique needs of our pediatric members and their care teams. Call us at 866.779.8512 to learn more about our Pediatric Diabetes Supply program and to enroll for the great customer service that you deserve.

Our team consistently works to better understand the needs and challenges of people of all ages who are living with diabetes (members of our team even wore insulin pumps filled with saline solution to learn more about the ins and outs of using an insulin pump!). We believe that working with a durable medical equipment provider for diabetes-related supplies should involve compassionate customer service with an experience that is EASY for patients. We know this is even more important for pediatric patients living with diabetes and members of their caregiving teams. As a result, we have created a program to support the unique needs of our pediatric diabetes population. You can read more about the program on our pediatrics page, but here are a few highlights: 

  1. Healthy Living Medical Supply provides extra meters for pediatric patients to leave with the school nurse, in the backpack, or in their school locker so that their primary meter may remain home.

  2. We stay in routine contact with the parents/primary caregivers to ensure needed supplies are on hand so patients can be successful in living with diabetes.

  3. We know CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) technology - wouldn't it be great if parents could monitor their children's blood glucose levels while they were sleeping, at school, or on a sleepover at a friend's home? Healthy Living carries all major brands of CGM systems that not only provide pediatric patients with greater insights into their blood glucose levels, but also allow parents and caregivers to have access to the metrics via their smartphones.

  4. When the time comes to consider insulin pump therapy Healthy Living has you covered. We're able to supply insulin pumps and and pump supplies from both Tandem Diabetes and Medtronic Diabetes with excellent customer care in the process.

  5. We provide pediatric-friendly meters with Bluetooth capabilities so data can be easily viewed and shared. More about our pediatric friendly meters here and here.

  6. Order processing is simple for refills when working with Healthy Living - it shouldn't take weeks to receive your child's needed diabetes supplies. Our warehouse is located in Troy, Michigan and our Customer Care Team is located in downtown Detroit, Michigan, so your order will arrive fast, typically within 2-3 business days after receiving your approval via a simple text message.

If you are tired of poor customer service and fighting with your current DME supplier for diabetes supplies, give us a call at 866.779.8512 or chat with an agent live to start the simple enrollment process. Healthy Living Medical Supply is in network with most major insurances in the State of Michigan, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (HAP), Priority Health, Michigan Medicaid, Children's Special Health Care Services of Michigan, and many more. Keep your business local! Healthy Living Medical Supply is also the only Michigan-based DME focused entirely on diabetes. 

The Link Between Diabetes & Heart Disease

There is a substantial connection between diabetes and heart disease. In fact, the American Heart Association reports that if you have diabetes, your risk of developing heart disease is more than double that of the general population. To better understand how cardiovascular disease and diabetes interface in the human body, check out the video, Break It Down: Diabetes & Heart Disease and the associated healthline article. This video, featuring Dr. Priyanka Wali, explains the link between these two diseases and emphasizes that lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on improving health outcomes.

The main diabetes-related health characteristics that can increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, poorly managed levels of blood fats like cholesterol and triglycerides, obesity, and living a sedentary lifestyle. Dr. Wali recommends being attentive and proactive and making these seven changes to reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular disease:

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Get moving
  3. Reduce stress and get enough sleep
  4. Lose weight
  5. Know your numbers
  6. Optimize cholesterol levels
  7. Take medications as prescribed

Check out the healthline page, Get to the Heart of Type 2 Diabetes, for more related articles. Let’s keep reading, keep learning, and keep moving!

Tape Tips for CGM and Insulin Pump Sites

We are commonly asked for tips on how to help sensors for CGM systems, infusion sets for insulin pumps, and Omnipods stick better - adhesion is even more important during summer months with increased body perspiration.

We routinely reference the Tape Tips from Medtronic's website when working with customers in coming up with ways to help with adhesion. Before purchasing expensive tapes and transparent dressings that might not even work, be sure to try these simple tips. 

One particular tip that may help is listed directly below and involves the use of non-deodorant antiperspirant. 

Use of Non-Deodorant Antiperspirant at Pump and Sensor Sites:

Non-deodorant antiperspirant can be used at pump and sensor sites to suppress the sweat glands so the adhesive sticks better.  It also helps cut down on possible skin reactions.

Certain Dri Solid Non Deodorant Antiperspirant is commonly found in many drug stores.  It should be labeled and only used at pump and sensor sites.  Apply to the pump infusion and/or sensor site.  Let it soak in for 10-15 minutes. Wash the residue off with soap and water or alcohol.  Wipe the top of the applicator with alcohol to keep it clean.  Insert the pump and sensor.  This works like a charm! 

If you are looking for a great customer service from a Michigan based durable medical equipment (DME) supplier for your Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) supplies, insulin pump supplies, and diabetes testing supplies, contact us today to start the easy enrollment process. We're in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan (HAP) of Michigan, Priority Health, and all other major insurances in the state of Michigan. 

What We’re Reading: Facing Diabetes on Her Own Terms…from the HAP Blog


We have been checking out the HAP Balanced Living blog and recently found this awesome article – Facing Diabetes on Her Own Terms: How One Woman Took Control of Her Life. This article is about Shannon, a woman diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, who found a way to manage her disease without medication, through motivation and focus.

Shannon had a family history of diabetes, so when she was diagnosed, she regarded the situation very seriously. She knew that she needed to make changes, and when she had a physically adverse reaction to metformin (a drug used to control blood sugar), she became determined to find an alternative to medication. To learn more about managing diabetes, Shannon took hospital-based classes for people recently diagnosed with the condition. Then, she also joined the diabetes prevention program at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital which provided great support and education.

Shannon also dove into exercise and improved her dietary choices. She started her exercise routine slowly to work around previous injuries, but she kept going. To adjust her diet, she looked at serving sizes and nutrition information about what she was eating. “The changes needed to battle diabetes can be overwhelming if you try to make them all at once,” Shannon explained, “Don’t be so strict that you set yourself up for failure.”

Healthy Living Medical Supply is in network with Health Alliance Plan of Michigan for diabetes testing suppliesinsulin pumps, insulin pump supplies, and continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM). If you are a Health Alliance Plan of Michigan member and are looking for diabetes-related supplies delivered to your doorstep with great customer care, give us a call at 866.779.8512 or send us a text message at 248.577.9903 to start the easy enrollment process.

Koala with Diabetes Benefits from the New Dexcom G6 CGM System


I absolutely love this news that we found about Quincy. He is a male koala living at the San Diego Zoo, who has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Thanks to CGM technology, his life has dramatically changed for the better.

This article explains that, “Diabetes has rarely been documented in koalas, and animal care experts do not know what may have triggered this condition in Quincy.” As part of his treatment plan, the vets at the San Diego Zoo have teamed up with Dexcom to better manage Quincy’s blood sugar levels through the application of a continuous glucose monitoring system. Quincy is using the new Dexcom G6 CGM system.

Koalas normally sleep during the day and are mainly solitary animals. This system markedly increases Quincy’s quality of life because he can avoid pricks to his ears to check his blood sugar and can be disturbed less often overall. Instead, the sensor and transmitter placed on Quincy send his blood glucose levels in real time to a smart device monitored by his caretakers. Check out a video of Quincy and his vets in action

We hope that Quincy's story helps promote a greater awareness of CGM therapy! If you are living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and have commercial or Medicare insurance, you may qualify to begin CGM therapy. Reach out to our team at 866.779.8512 to learn more and start the enrollment process now.

In the News - 670G Receives Pediatric Approval & Tandem's Auto-Suspend-on-Low Technology

We're tracking two big announcements from both Medtronic Diabetes and Tandem Diabetes from this past week. 

The first update comes from Medtronic and is an exciting one for families with children living with Type 1 Diabetes - the 670G closed loop system from Medtronic received clearance from the FDA for use with pediatric patients ages seven and up. This certainly is welcome news for pediatric patients, their care team members, and providers. 

And second, Tandem Diabetes received approval for their auto-suspend-on-low technology from the FDA. While we don't know the full details, it looks like the T:Slim X2 pump, when combined with the Dexcom G6 CGM system, will suspend insulin delivery in advance of a predicted low. 

Both of these exciting updates represent a significant advancement in diabetes technology and great news overall for patients and everyone involved in the diabetes community. 

If you are looking at one of these insulin pumps and/or CGM options, Healthy Living Medical Supply is a great place to start - simply give us a call at 866-779-8512, chat with us live, or leave a message if you're on our site after hours. You may also learn more on our Insulin Pump Therapy page

Go local with Healthy Living Medical Supply. Healthy Living Medical Supply is the only Michigan-owned and operated durable medical equipment (DME) supplier that specializes in diabetes. We're able to work with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan, Medicare and all major Medicaid plans in the state for insulin pumps, insulin pump supplies, and continuous glucose monitoring systems. 

Now Shipping: Medtronic Guardian Connect CGM System

Medtronic's Guardian Connect is composed of three key components: the sensor, a bluetooth transmitter that lasts a year, and a mobile app

Medtronic's Guardian Connect is composed of three key components: the sensor, a bluetooth transmitter that lasts a year, and a mobile app

We're excited to share that Healthy Living Medical Supply is now shipping the Medtronic Guardian Connect CGM system! This is a great technology option for any patient who is taking insulin via injections and who isn't quite ready for an insulin pump. Read more about the Guardian Connect CGM system at the Medtronic website

What is CGM? CGM stands for Continuous Glucose Monitoring and is a small, half dollar sized device that goes on your body and measures blood sugar levels every five minutes or roughly 288 times per day. 

What are the benefits of CGM? We've written about this here on our blog before, but in short CGM reduces the number of daily finger sticks while giving patients much greater insight into what is happening with their body's sugar levels. Medtronic Guardian Connect's stand alone CGM system takes readings every five minutes or 288 times throughout the day and night - this is significantly more information than is yielded through finger sticks alone.

What are the top benefits of Medtronic's Guardian Connect CGM System?

1. The data is automatically uploaded directly to the physician's office via Medtronic's CareLink platform. 

2. Predictive alerts for highs and lows are sent out 60 minutes in advance. Predictive alerts are sent out 40 minutes faster than the competition.

3. IBM Watson integration creates actionable trends from user CGM data.

4. Last but not least, Medtronic's Guardian Connect CGM system is significantly less expensive for the patient and health plan in comparison to the competition. Why? Because the transmitter lasts for one year, no receiver is needed, and a month's supply comes with five sensors for a total of 35 days of wear time. This means lower copays for patients, longer sensor wear time and a lower spend for the health plan. 

Most major commercial insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (HAP), will pay for CGM. Contact Healthy Living Medical Supply today at 866-779-8512 to learn more and to begin the easy enrollment process.

Michigan Residents: Keep your business local! Healthy Living Medical Supply is the only locally owned and operated diabetes speciality provider in the state of Michigan...and we provide world class customer service!

Swing to Cure Diabetes Celebrates 10 Years

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Recently, the Swing to Cure Diabetes golf outing celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Michigan Golf Course. As we have for several years, Healthy Living participated in this awesome event that benefits the JDRF and the Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center. Swing to Cure Diabetes was created by Rich and Chris Hewlett to help find a cure for Type 1 diabetes. They started the event after their son, Jeff, was diagnosed. These were Jeff’s thoughts on the event:

“I’m sure my parents started this event thinking, ‘Oh, this will help our son,’” said Jeff Hewlett, who was diagnosed when he was four. “For that I’m certainly grateful, but there are many people who are just like me and many other diabetics who are also grateful. It’s really impacting a lot of people, and you can see it in the research and the advances that have been made for Type 1 diabetes. Hopefully over the years as this thing keeps growing and as we continue with it, it will be something that can hopefully lead to a cure. That’s ultimately what we’re looking for.”

To find out more about upcoming JDRF events in our area, visit the JDRF Metro Detroit/South East Michigan webpage.

Now Shipping: Dexcom G6 System

Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System now shipping from Healthy Living Medical Supply

Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System now shipping from Healthy Living Medical Supply

Great news, the Dexcom G6 system is now shipping from Healthy Living Medical Supply! The new system features a longer wear time on the sensor (10 days), Acetaminophen blocking, finger stick free approval from the FDA (imagine avoiding over 1000 finger pokes per year!), smart phone integration, an improved applicator, and FDA indication for pediatric patients two years and older. 

Do you live in the State of Michigan and have a commercial insurance such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan or HAP? If you currently work direct with the manufacturer or another supplier for your CGM, call us now at 866-779-8512 to start the simple process of converting to to the only diabetes specialty DME (Durable Medical Equipment) company that is locally owned and operated in Michigan. 

New in Diabetes Technology: The OmniPod Dash

Insulet's Omnipod Dash Tubeless Insulin Management System Receceives FDA Clearance

Insulet's Omnipod Dash Tubeless Insulin Management System Receceives FDA Clearance

It seems like nearly every day there is more great news in terms of the development of new technologies to empower people living with diabetes...the latest is from Insulet and their Omnipod Dash system, which recently received approval from the FDA.

To learn more about Omnipod Dash, visit the product FAQ page over at Insulet's website. A few key highlights that we're excited about include:

1. The same great features Omnipod users have been used to...the new Dash system is tubeless, discreet and waterproof which makes it great for pediatric patients and anyone with an active lifestyle

2. Bluetooth capabilities for sharing data to an iOS device and up to 12 people on their care team

3. Compatibility with one of the leading test strip brands on the market, Contour Next. 

The system will be slowly released to patients in 2018 prior to the widespread launch in 2019. Most major commercial insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Health Alliance Plan of Michigan, pay for Omnipod as a durable medical equipment benefit (DME).

Healthy Living Medical Supply is a leading DME specializing in diabetes services and technologies and will be ready to provide this technology to patients when it becomes available soon!

Submit Co-Pays FAST with Online Bill Pay from HLMS

One of the feature requests we receive most often from our customers is the ability to submit co-payments for insulin pumps, insulin pump supplies, CGM supplies, and other diabetes supplies online. While not widely known amongst our customers, this is a service that we currently offer - and once paid, you'll have a copy of your receipts and payment history for future reference. 

Get started with secure and easy online bill pay from Healthy Living today! Simply request to pay your bill online the next time you are working with an agent to submit a co-payment for your order. 

What We’re Reading: The Health Alliance Plan of Michigan’s Balanced Living Blog

The Health Alliance Plan of Michigan's Balanced Living is filled with tips and suggestions on increasing your wellness and leading a more active and healthy lifestyle

The Health Alliance Plan of Michigan's Balanced Living is filled with tips and suggestions on increasing your wellness and leading a more active and healthy lifestyle

One of our regular features on the Healthy Living Medical Supply Blog is our “What We’re Reading” segment where we shine the spotlight on resources that we find particularly relevant to our employees and customers. One such resource is Health Alliance Plan of Michigan’s “Balanced Living Blog,” which is routinely updated with excellent ideas and suggestions for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Subscribe to blog updates by visiting the site and clicking the email subscribe link. 

Below you’ll find links to four articles that we found particularly interesting, all of which relate to diabetes, which is our specialty.

Walking it Back: Reversing Prediabetes

Facing Diabetes On Her Own Terms: How One Woman Took Control of Her Life

Diabetes Doesn’t Define Me: Overcoming Type 1 at 21

How Former U-M Football Star Marc Ramirez Tackled Diabetes

Healthy Living Medical Supply is in network with Health Alliance Plan of Michigan for diabetes testing supplies, insulin pumps, insulin pump supplies, continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM) – if you are a Health Alliance Plan of Michigan member and are looking for diabetes related supplies delivered to your doorstep with great customer care, give us a call at 866.779.8512 or send us a text message at 248.577.9903 to start the easy enrollment process.

FDA Approves Dexcom G6 CGM

Dexcom's new G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

Dexcom's new G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

Yet another great piece of news in the area of Continous Glucose Monitoring technology advancement: Dexcom received FDA approval for their next generation, G6 CGM product.

For a more detailed analysis of the Dexcom G6 CGM, visit the recent blog posts from Diatribe, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and Beyond Type 1

The G6 solution is an exciting development for the diabetes community as it promises a ten day wear on the sensor, acetaminophen blocking, no finger stick calibrations,  potential integrations with the Tandem insulin pump, OminPod's tubeless pump and more.

A launch date has yet to be determined but Healthy Living Medical Supply will be ready to provide this new platform to our patients once it does become available.

Interested in learning more about CGM and the possible therapeutic benefits? Read this article from the Healthy Living blog on the benefits of CGM. 

We're here to help!

Diabetes Strong Is a Powerhouse of Diabetes Health Resources

Today's Diabetes Strong homepage.

Today's Diabetes Strong homepage.

Are you looking for more positive resources related to exercise, nutrition, diabetes, and your healthy living journey? Check out Diabetes Strong! Originally called “TheFitBlog” (established in 2015), Diabetes Strong is led by Christel Oerum, who has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1997. She is the main content creator on Diabetes Strong, an active diabetes advocate, public speaker, and diabetes coach. Christel also offers online diabetes coaching to support clients in reaching their health and diabetes goals. On Diabetes Strong, you will find a lot of great content on many subjects, including:

In words directly from the Diabetes Strong website: The goal of Diabetes Strong is to provide a platform where people living with (any type) of diabetes can find all the information they need to live healthy and active lives. The information on Diabetes Strong always takes a positive approach to diabetes and follows Christel’s motto that “There is nothing you can’t do with diabetes.”

Here are a few interesting articles to get you started!

We're here to help!

2018 ADA Standards of Care Bring New Recommendations for Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association has released new 2018 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. These comprehensive recommendations include the latest advances in evidence-based care, with a new focus on advanced management for people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Standards of Care outline the ADA’s latest recommendations “for the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes, strategies to improve the prevention or delay of type 2 diabetes, and therapeutic approaches that reduce complications and positively affect health outcomes.”

Important changes and updates in the 2018 edition include these topics and more:

  • Cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • Screening youth for type 2 diabetes
  • Health technology and diabetes management
  • A1C test considerations
  • Diabetes management in specific groups

Read the ADA’s press release for more details!

We love to help!