shipping team

Healthy Living Salutes Our Labor Day Weekend Work Team!

Happy Labor Day to our customers, providers, and partners!

Happy Labor Day to our customers, providers, and partners!

While Labor Day Weekend for many people means picnics and celebrating the unofficial end of summer, for people with diabetes it can mean delays in the delivery of their needed CGM and insulin pump supplies due to Holiday shipping interruptions. Healthy Living recognizes this and pulled together a Saturday orders processing team to ensure minimal disruption in supply delivery to our customers due to the Labor Day Holiday.

Five members of our Detroit-based customer care team focused on processing refill orders while three members of our shipping team in Troy packed shipments - we even arranged for a special UPS pick-up to in the early afternoon to ensure timely delivery of these critical medical supplies. Our team routinely looks at the calendar for potential supply bottlenecks that may be caused by holidays and plans accordingly. 

While we don't like to have our employees working on holiday weekends, we also realize that we are in the business of supporting people with a chronic disease and on occasion this involves weekend/holiday shifts. Healthy Living salutes our Saturday orders processing team of Donald, Christina, Tammi, John, Steve, Tara, Mansa and George for their work in helping our customers receive their diabetes supplies in a timely manner.

Looking for a durable medical equipment (DME) supplier for CGM, insulin pump supplies, or a new pump? Healthy Living Medical Supply specializes in diabetes related technologies and therapies and takes pride in providing compassionate and efficient customer service to our customers who are living with diabetes. Give us a call at 866.779.8512 (we answer calls FAST), chat with an agent live or fill the form on this page to start the simple, five minute enrollment process to begin receiving your CGM and insulin pump supplies from a group of people that get it.

Healthy Living Medical Supply is in-network with most major insurance companies in the state of Michigan, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan (HAP), Priority Health, Michigan Medicaid, Medicare, and many others. 

Shining a Spotlight of Appreciation on Healthy Living Shipping

“As a shipping and receiving team, it’s a team effort – we all realize that we’re customer service and getting shipments out in a timely manner and correctly is our ongoing goal.”
                                    – Steve, Healthy Living Shipping Manager

While they don’t interact directly over the phones with our customers, Shipping is an integral component of our approach to excellence in the area of customer service.

Steve is our shipping manager, and he has been working with Healthy Living for over ten years! He has worked in shipping for about eight years, and before that he drove our DME truck. Steve gave me some ‘vital stats’ of our shipping process.

7 Key Facts About Healthy Living Shipping

  1. We ship with UPS & USPS.
  2. Shipments for new patients take 1 to 2 days to arrive.
  3. Refills are scheduled through the Customer Care Team and arrive to customers in 3-4 days.
  4. Insulin is cold-packed and arrives the next day.
  5. Customers can have pharmacy and supply orders shipped together.
  6. To obtain tracking info, customers can call us or give us their email and we’ll send it to them. We also send out text messages with tracking information to our customers.
  7. Reminder: Be sure to give the Customer Care Team (phone: 866.779.8512 or text: 248.577.9903) your change of address to avoid causing delays to your shipments.

Meet Our Shipping Team

The Healthy Living Shipping Team is made up of five team members, and all of them have been working with Healthy Living for at least three and a half years. They are a great team!!











Leo had some great insight into our work environment: “It’s important to be able to work in a stress-free environment. It’s not really about the job you have that determines happiness, but the people around you. We get along, and people help one another out and appreciate each other. That common denominator, along with empathy, make this a great place to work.”