Life with Diabetes

Beyond Type 1’s Weekly Roundup Is Sure to Bring You Hope


Yesterday morning, I received an email from Beyond Type 1 with the subject “READ THIS.” It turns out, this is a new weekly roundup email that the community can subscribe to receive. This week, the content is awesome:

·        The BFF Guide to Type 1 Diabetes – a guide FOR kids, BY kids.

·        Yoga for People with Diabetes – three surprising ways YOGA can change your T1D management.

·        Losing Will Hauver – shedding light on how illness and T1D can be a surprisingly dangerous combination.

·        WWII Hero Saves Lives with Home-brew Insulin – an inspiring story about how Eva Saxl made her own insulin to treat herself and keep around 400 people alive in her community when conventional insulin was unavailable.

Sign up for READ THIS.

About Beyond Type 1 – In Their Own Words

By educating the global community about this chronic, autoimmune disease, as well as providing resources and support for those living with Type 1, Beyond Type 1 bridges the gap from diagnosis to cure, empowering people to both live well today and to fund a better tomorrow. 100% of every dollar raised directly supports the most promising global efforts and programs working to educate, advocate and cure Type 1 diabetes.

Beyond Type 1 Resources

While offering interviews, stories, and other resources, Beyond Type 1 includes a very inclusive T1D lifestyle section on their website. Subjects include:

·        Active

·        Food

·        Mental Health

·        Parenthood

·        Recipes

·        Sex, Drugs + Rock&Roll

·        School

·        Travel

·        Wellness

At Healthy Living Medical Supply, we highly recommend this resource – it’s a great collection of information and a fun way to plug into the Type 1 Diabetes community.


  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.
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  • Check out our online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.


  • We work with many insurance plan partners.
  • You can approve your refills via text or phone.
  • Our company’s focus is excellence in customer service.
  • In addition to providing supplies, we also have a home delivery pharmacy.
  • Diabetes is our specialty, and we’re prepared to help!

Mothers of T1D Kids Are Superheroes

Among the greatest Superheroes is the mother of a Type 1 Diabetic child. #HappyMothersDay Morph Pillow LLC donates 5% of all profits towards a grant assistance program to help Type 1 Diabetic families who can't cover their medical expenses. For more information visit:

Check out this video to get a glimpse into the lives of Type 1 Diabetes families and witness the gratitude children with diabetes feel for the care they receive. Five thoughtful kids reflect on what their moms do every day to help manage their Type 1 Diabetes and keep them healthy and safe. They talk about all of the love their moms give them.

One of the questions they were asked is, ‘What is your message to all moms of T1D kids?’ Here are their five responses:

·        “Don’t be scared. I’ll always be there for you.”

·        “Let’s help each other, and we’ll get through it together.”

·        “It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about it.”

·        “Their kids really appreciate them and they love them and are grateful for them to be their mom.”

·        “I think the moms do a really good job of taking care of us all…”

The Healthy Living team watched a video like this at a company meeting last year and then reflected on what impacted us the most.  Many employees were truly humbled by what the moms and kids go through each day with dosing, carb counting, managing their insulin pumps, testing blood sugar levels at all hours of the day, and everything else involved in being successful with diabetes.

Working with Wabi-Sabi – Finding Beauty in Imperfection

Wabi-Sabi Bowl

Wabi-Sabi Bowl

Wabi-Sabi can provide a fresh perspective on our so-called flaws, including illness, emotional weaknesses, or physical features that we’re not crazy about. This Japanese aesthetic philosophy is about seeing the beauty of things that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.

The philosophy of Wabi-Sabi can become a practice of embracing imperfection, being kind to ourselves, and accepting things as they are with no judgment. Learn more in this article - The Wabi-Sabi Self - and create an opportunity to develop a new approach to loving your body and yourself.


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  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

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  • Check out our online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Food Choices Are Individual: What Not to Say to a Person with Diabetes

It can be a joy to eat a meal with family or soak in a festive gathering with friends. But things can get complicated when it feels like your food or portion choices are being questioned or judged. Christel Oernum says that she has received hundreds of comments about what she eats. Christel is an accomplished fitness professional and has been living with Type 1 Diabetes since she was 19. She and her husband, Tobias, created TheFitBlog to help other people with diabetes live a fit, active, and healthy life.

Earlier this year, Christel posted about coming home after a party and feeling (once again) annoyed by people commenting about what she ate. She wrote a short list of things you should never say to a person with diabetes, or really anyone else.

5 Things You Should Never Say to a Person with Diabetes

1.      Should you be eating that?

2.      Can you eat that?

3.      Wow, you must be really hungry?

4.      You look so skinny/fit/healthy/good, eat some more.

5.      You can’t be writing a health blog since you are drinking that...

Read Christel’s original blog for her thoughts on why each of these comments just doesn’t work. Based on your experience, what comments or questions would you add to her list?

It’s impossible to completely know what another person is going through or what their body needs. Most people don’t want to be scrutinized, so keep Christel’s insights in mind.


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  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at

  • Check out our online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.


Sugar Labeling & Sweet Victory

Diabetes and Sugar

Overconsumption of added sugar is linked to type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects about 26 million Americans. Type 2 diabetes isn’t new, but something has changed over the years: people are starting to have the disease at an earlier age. Projections suggest that 40% of U.S. children will develop the disease within their lifetime.

And Sugar Slips in…

It’s hard to avoid sugar. When you’re at a birthday party singing, looking at the cake, you just know there’s sugar in there. But many other times, the sugar can sneak into the best intended eating plans. It’s so easy for this to happen – did you know there are 61 names for sugar? Some are pretty familiar or easier to recognize, like beet sugar, HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup), or raw sugar. Then, there are many that would be awfully hard to recognize. How well do you know these names for sugar?

  • Barley malt
  • Dextrin
  • Maltose
  • Buttered syrup
  • Panocha
  • Evaporated cane juice

Added sugar is hiding in 74% of packaged foods. Sugar benefits producers for more reasons than tempting flavor: it boosts volume, retains moisture, extends shelf life, and enhances texture of processed foods. Savory foods like bread, pasta sauce, ketchup, and salad dressings, and also yogurt and energy bars…all of these foods often depend on the added sugar factor.

Even when it’s hard to identify sugars in an ingredient list, the greater challenge is that manufacturers haven’t been required to state whether the total sugar content in a product contains added sugar. People who are trying to be healthy can end up consuming more sugar than they realize.

New Labeling from the FDA

A new, redesigned Nutrition Facts label is coming, and it will be required on most packaged food by July 2018. Current labels combine natural and added sugars in one lump sum, presented as just “Sugars.” New labels will list “Total Sugars,” with a subcategory beneath stating “Includes 10g Added Sugars” (using 10g as an example of the added sugar content). Look at the labels below to compare the current and redesigned versions.

Side-by-Side Comparison of Nutrition Labels

Side-by-Side Comparison of Nutrition Labels

The new Nutrition Facts Label will also show how much sugar is in a product relative to the daily reference value (a percentage of the daily recommended intake) – 20% in the example above. There is great hope that the new label will help Americans make more informed choices about foods they eat.

Figuring It Out

For a long time, the Sugar Association convinced health organizations that sugar was harmless.  Making sure that their product was protected, they blamed sickness on saturated fats instead of sugars and hindered proper research. They also encouraged the belief that “a calorie is just a calorie,” and purported that the problem was too many overall calories, not too much sugar.

Now, scientists have definitively linked excessive sugar consumption to heart disease in humans (2014). They have determined that all calories are not created equal. “Now we know that too much sugar doesn’t just make us fat; it makes us sick,” – so well said Laura Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH, professor of health policy at the University of California, San Francisco.

Get excited! Smarter science and updated labeling are making life better.


61 Names for Sugar

An 'Added Sugar' Label Is On The Way For Packaged Food

FDA modernizes Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods

Hidden in Plain Sight

Sweet News About Food Labels

Why Sugar Matters Today. Finding Tools to Fight Diabetes.

Why the sugar industry hates the FDA’s new Nutrition Facts label



Living His Big Dream Every Day, Ernesto Prado Inspires Us All

Ernesto Prado at Johnson Space Center

Ernesto Prado at Johnson Space Center

The enthusiasm of Ernesto Prado's dad for the space program rubbed off on him from an early age. Ernesto has been fascinated with air and space travel since he was young, when he began his dream of becoming an astronaut. Prado was featured in at least three diabetes publications and resources in 2016 because his story is so encouraging and inspiring. When he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes as a teenager, he was told to slow down his recreational activities and sports, so Ernesto focused on learning and preparing for work with NASA. Even though people with diabetes cannot fill the role of an astronaut, Ernesto prepared to work in a job that would be as close as possible to his original goal.

Turning Point to Health

Ernesto went to college at UC Davis, double-majoring in Aeronautical Sciences & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and he began working with NASA when he was 20 as part of a college co-op program. After graduation, and while working in the neutral buoyancy lab, Ernesto realized that he had lost focus on managing his diabetes and taking care of himself. This was a turning point when Ernesto came to understand that he needed to be healthy to do the things he was devoting his life to, and he reprioritized his health – eating 5 small meals a day, running, seeing a new, really good doctor, and beginning to use an insulin pump.

Catch More About Ernesto

Prado has continued employment and engagement with the NASA space program since. Recently featured on Stacey Simms’ Diabetes Connections podcast, you can hear the passion and excitement in Ernesto’s voice as he describes walking on the same ground as NASA astronauts.  Ernesto is now a Technical Projects Manager at the Johnson Space Center in Texas.

Learn more about Ernesto Prado, and be wowed by his motivation, determination, dedication, and positivity:


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  • Check out our online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Growing with Support – Diabetes & Mental Health

At this holiday time of year, stress and busyness can emphasize feelings and emotions and bring them to the surface more quickly. These are the times when support from a doctor, therapist, or support group pays off. Finding good mental health care that matches a patient’s needs and personal preferences can be a challenge.

Mental health is often forgotten in discussions about wellness for people with diabetes. Beyond Type 1 has pinpointed this need and put together an amazing resource about mental health for Type 1 diabetes patients. On a larger scale, Beyond Type 1 creates and funds a portfolio of programs, technologies and innovations that those living with Type 1 diabetes need to manage, live, and thrive. 


On the Mental Health page of the Beyond Type 1 site, you can share your positive experiences by suggesting a mental health provider, search for and find a provider, and access information to help your mental health provider understand the cross-section of diabetes and mental health. The T1D Guide for Mental Health Providers explains the various emotional impacts and potential mental health outcomes for those living with Type 1 diabetes.

Library of Mental Health Resources

In the Beyond Type 1 library, you can find articles with clinical information, including topics like:

·       Stress – Why and How You Should Reduce It

·       Diabetes Burnout

·       The Truth About Diabulimia

·       Depression and Its Relationship to Type 1

There are also almost 20 personal stories on the site about subjects including:

·       How to Survive a Health Crisis with Your Spirit Intact

·       Bouncing Back and Moving Forward – Diabetes Burnout

·       What Is Diabetes Distress?

·       Body Image and the Pitfalls of Perfectionism

·       The 5 Go-To Yoga Practices That Saved My Life

Check out this resource! It is a great collection of information tailored specifically for patients living with Type 1 diabetes.


  • Reach us through online chat at

  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at

  • Check out our online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Considering an Insulin Pump? This May Be Your Moment

Healthy Living is here and ready to help you maximize your insurance benefit and make the best decisions for your health. Thinking about going on an insulin pump? If your deductible has been satisfied for 2016, this could be the time to start on a pump for less out-of-pocket cost.

When you call our Insulin Pump Team (the amazing Crystal and George), they will help research your insurance coverage and choose a pump that’s right for you.
Dial (866)779-8512, extension 2, then extension 2 again!

Healthy Living offers pumps from these suppliers:

To learn more about the benefits of insulin pump therapy, visit

A sampling of insulin pumps!

A sampling of insulin pumps!


  • Reach us through online chat at

  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at

  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Raise Your Hands for the Big Blue Test


This month, the Big Blue Test finished their fall push to collect more than 150,000 Big Blue Tests by November 14th to raise awareness about the importance of exercise in connection with diabetes management and to raise funds for community organizations. Big Blue Tests started being logged in 2010, and as of November 18, 2016… more than 152,000 tests have been recorded – 2016 goal met!  

The Big Blue Test is a program of the Diabetes Hands Foundation, an organization that rallies communities to experience the impact that small changes can have on their health. Their mission is to bring together people touched by diabetes for positive change, to make sure that no one living with this condition ever feels alone. Instead of looking at the disease, Diabetes Hands Foundation seeks to understand, connect, and energize the millions of people living with diabetes.

What Is the Big Blue Test?

The Big Blue Test started in 2009 as a creative way to encourage people with diabetes to stay active. People can participate whether they are living with diabetes or not. Taking the Big Blue Test is easy:

1. Test your blood glucose. If you do not have diabetes, you can skip this step.

2. Get active. For 14 to 20 minutes, get up and get moving. You can walk, run, clean the house, swim, tap dance…whatever!

3. Test again. On average, Big Blue Testers saw their blood glucose level drop 20% after 14-20 minutes of exercise.

4. Share your results. Answer the questions in the right column of this page.

It’s easy to forget how important exercise is as part of managing diabetes. In spite of how little time 14 to 20 minutes of exercise may sound like, most participants in the Big Blue Test experience an average blood sugar drop of 20%. This can be a significant drop for most people with diabetes.

Each Big Blue Test helps participants and helps others. A generous $250,000 has been awarded in Big Blue Test grants by the Diabetes Hands Foundation over the past 4 years. Three non-profit initiatives will each receive $5,000 in funding during the fall 2016 campaign:

·       DiabetesSisters 

·       We Are Diabetes 

·       Riverside Community Diabetes Collaborative 

To learn more about the Big Blue Test in action, check out a blog and video from Stacey Simms of Diabetes Connections, where she discusses a Big Blue Test event she organized at her son’s elementary school. And find out how to organize your own school event here.


  • Reach us through online chat at

  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at

  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.


Meet the Glucagon App - A Place to Learn & Prepare

A view of the Lilly Glucagon app in the App Store.

A view of the Lilly Glucagon app in the App Store.

Lilly Glucagon is designed to treat patients with diabetes and severe hypoglycemia. Do you have a Glucagon kit at home, and do you or your loved ones know how to use it?

You can get a white teaching kit from Lilly by calling (800)LILLY-RX. And to learn more, you could try the mightily helpful Glucagon phone app, simply called “Glucagon.” You can use this app to go through a practice simulation of using Glucagon in an emergency, including how to mix (swirl) the powder and liquid and where to inject (thigh, arm, or buttocks).

Most importantly, there is a special section with instructions for an actual emergency, with animated pictures and audio directions.

The Glucagon app also has a section about “My Kit Information” to help you track where you are keeping your kit(s) in the house and when they expire. There is a function to set reminders to make sure you update your Glucagon kit before passing the expiration date.

In the app's content, you can learn more about this critical emergency treatment tool, including:

·        When it's appropriate to use Glucagon

·        Contraindications and precautions

·        Details about severe low blood sugar

·        Glucagon tips

·        Other helpful diabetes links


  • Reach us through online chat at

  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.

  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at

  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Trick-or-Treating in Teal!

Thank you to our guest blogger Jennifer O'Donnell!

Perhaps you have seen teal-colored pumpkins on the doorsteps of your neighbors or in your local craft store? Your eyes are not tricking's actually a very clever way for all children to be able to enjoy a Halloween treat!

The Teal Pumpkin Project stems from an awareness program led by a food allergy mom in Tennessee. According to FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education), it has now grown across all 50 states and to 14 countries around the world. This initiative has been warmly welcomed by not only food allergy families but also within the diabetes, celiac, and eosinophilic disease communities.

Halloween is a much-anticipated day for young children. For those with life-threatening food allergies, it can be a disappointing and worrisome time of year. Trick-or-treating house to house, children with food allergies are not able to accept many candy treats due to the risk of cross contamination or ingredients that could cause a severe allergic reaction. Many are left to go home empty-handed and feeling apart from the festivities.

So what is the purpose of the Teal Pumpkin Project? FARE sums it up well: 

"The Teal Pumpkin Project is designed to promote safety, inclusion, and respect of individuals managing food allergies - and to keep Halloween a fun, positive experience for all."

How can I participate? Three easy steps!

1. Provide non-food treats for trick-or-treaters. Anything works! Glow sticks, bubbles, stickers, etc.

2. Place a teal pumpkin in front of your home to indicate that you have non-food treats available. Paint your own or find them ready-to-go in many local craft stores or online.

3. Display a free printable sign from to help spread awareness.

There are an estimated 1 in 13 children in the United States with food allergies so there are likely a few on your block who would appreciate your participation. Helping children have a fun and safe Halloween...there is nothing scary about it!

Learn more about:

·       Teal Pumpkin Project at

·       Food Allergies at

·       Type 1 Diabetes at

·       Eosinophic Disease at

·       Celiacs Disease at


  • Reach us through online chat at
  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.
  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Medtronic Hosts Educational Event to Introduce MiniMed 670G System

On September 28, the FDA approved the MiniMed 670G System – the world’s first hybrid closed loop system for people with diabetes. Medtronic will begin commercial release of the MiniMed 670G system in the spring of 2017, but will have limited availability at that time. Want to learn more about this completely new offering?

Medtronic MiniMed 670G

Medtronic MiniMed 670G

Medtronic Welcomes ALL INSULIN-TAKING PATIENTS & THEIR FAMILIEs to an Educational Event

Learn about Medtronic’s SmartGuard HCL System and how to be the first in line to receive the 670G through the Priority Pathway Program, by getting the 630G System now.

When: Thursday, November 3, 2016


  • 6:30 p.m. – Doors open to display area outside PNC Classroom 1 (refreshments provided)
  • 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Presentation on MiniMed Smartguard Technology and other features of the MiniMed 670G & 630G Systems
  • 8:00-9:00 p.m. – Meet with local Clinical and Sales Representatives for hands-on experience with the MiniMed 630G Pump and to learn about the 670G Priority Pathway Program


PNC Center (between Crooks & I-75)

755 Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI

Second Floor Classroom 1

Please enter through “South West”/“Beaumont” Entrance

Members of Healthy Living's Insulin Pump Therapy Team will also be in attendance if you are a customer and have questions. Learn more about the advantages of insulin pump therapy on our website at

If you can’t make it to the event but want to learn more right away, go to Medtronic’s website or contact:

Ann Marie Schoenherr RN, BSN, CDE

Senior Diabetes Clinical Manager

Medtronic Diabetes



Carol Fix

Principal Territory Manager

Medtronic Diabetes



  • Reach us through online chat at
  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us at (248)577-9903.
  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Diabetes Is Expensive: How Healthy Living Helps

Broad Scale Price Hikes

It’s an expensive chronic disease to manage. Diabetes takes a financial toll on patients and families and on the health system. Type 1 diabetes alone accounts for $14.9 billion in healthcare costs in the United States each year, according to the JDRF. The price of supplies has also gone up. In the case of Glucagon, an emergency drug for people with diabetes, Truven Health Analytics reports that the list price has gone up 544% since 1998. One vial cost $40 in 1998 and now has a list price of $257.60. 

Glucagon Emergency Kit

Glucagon Emergency Kit

Cost Increases Hit Patients

At Healthy Living, we are especially tuned-in to the burdens that diabetes can create for individuals living with the condition. The cost of insulin has been increasing, and high health insurance deductibles make patients responsible for a greater portion of supply costs than ever. As noted by Business Insider, diabetes-related expenses can climb higher than $1,000 a month for only one person.

Healthy Living Helps

Our goal is to ensure that our patients NEVER run out of supplies so that they can stay adherent to their prescribed therapy while at the same time making sure there isn't unnecessary and costly surplus.

Our Process

It usually begins with Michelle, who works closely with insurance companies and plan benefits portals to thoroughly verify insurance and member benefits. This helps members know exactly where they stand with their insurance, deductible balance, co-pays. Then, Healthy Living’s experienced customer care agents break out potential orders into a la carte options - this allows members the opportunity pick and choose the supplies they really need and hold off on ordering the items where they may have surplus. The Healthy Living Medical Supply team serves as personal consultants for customers to help them maximize their insurance benefits. 


  • Call us @ (866)779-8512 or text us @ (248)577-9903.
  • Reach us through online chat at
  • Sign up for the Healthy Living blog at
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Dr. Bernstein’s Low-Carb Diabetes Diet

A legend in the diabetes community, Dr. Richard Bernstein was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in the mid-1940s. He has helped bring about many changes in lifestyle and medical treatment for people with diabetes since then. As part of this process, Dr. Bernstein became an endocrinologist and created a specialized low-carbohydrate diet, used by many people today.

Check out the great story about Dr. Bernstein’s life, many contributions, and specific health recommendations on Diabetes Daily.

We're here to help!

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  • Text us @ (248)577-9903.
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.
Dr. Bernstein highlights the difference between a high- and low-carb diet on blood sugars.

Dr. Bernstein highlights the difference between a high- and low-carb diet on blood sugars.

Insulin Pump Technology Innovation from Medtronic and Tandem

Why Insulin Pumps?

Because of insulin pumps, many people living with diabetes, young and old, have better control of their insulin delivery. Insulin pumps also allow for fewer injections and a more flexible lifestyle. The pump option is great for athletes and people on the go because of more precise insulin dosing that can lead to improved performance and energy levels. Improvements in technology continue to make it easier to manage diabetes. Every little tweak and new option on the market makes a difference.

Developing New Technology

There is plenty of buzz about the new insulin pumps to be released this year by Medtronic and Tandem, and for good reason. Both of these established companies are offering pumps with new features that will increase quality of life and ease of disease management for many people living with diabetes. Here are some of the most noteworthy features:

Medtronic Minimed 630G –  

·       Remote insulin dosing with wireless meter offers quick, easy delivery of a bolus

·       SmartGuard(TM) technology stops insulin delivery if a patient’s sensor glucose values go below a preset level with no response to alarms

·       Waterproof protection

·       Color screen

Tandem t:slim X2 –

·       Two-way Bluetooth connects with multiple external devices at one time (one day it will communicate with the Dexcom G5 and a patient’s smartphone at the same time)

·       Planned software upgrade to connect with Dexcom G5 Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) will display data directly on the pump screen

·       Tandem will continue to upgrade the pump’s software, including a new smartphone app and predictive low glucose suspend

·       Color touch screen

More Options for Children & Parents

The convenience of a remote bolus dose will be easier for everyone, especially parents or caregivers helping children. Waterproof protection will also make baths, swimming lessons, and beach days a lot simpler. Research has shown that insulin pumps are an effective option in diabetes care for children. A large, long-term study of insulin pump use in children published in Diabetologia in 2013 demonstrated that pump therapy provides sustained improvement in glycemic control and reductions of severe hypoglycemia and hospitalization compared with a study group using only injections. Advancements in pumps are helping children living with diabetes stay healthier (and happier).

Curious about the Upgrade?

At Healthy Living, we are preparing for the transition by educating ourselves as much as possible on the features of the improved pumps, working closely with manufacturers on upgrade programs, and monitoring availability as new information is released. When I say ‘we,’ I am mainly talking about Crystal and George, our stellar Insulin Pump Therapy Team. They answered a few questions for me today:

1.     What should existing Healthy Living customers do if they want one of the new pump models?

The first thing to do is contact us. We can confirm if you are eligible for a new pump through insurance or from a manufacturer upgrade program. Call (866)779-8512 and choose prompt 2 to reach us.

2.     What should new customers do if they are interested in one of the new pumps?

Talk to us first - call (866)779-8512 and choose prompt 2. We’ll verify insurance and what you’re eligible for and start gathering documentation to process your pump, once they become available.

3.     What questions do people most often have about insulin pumps when they’re getting started, and what answers do you give?

According to George and Crystal, common questions include:

Q: Is the pump hard to operate?

A: Pumps are easy to operate and we can support you as you learn.

Q: Do you still have to check your blood sugar?

A: Yes, you still have to do regular daily glucose checks (4 on average), even if using the CGM.

Q: Does the pump have to be surgically inserted?

A: No!

We look forward to learning more about the soon-to-be-released Tandem and Medtronic pumps as information becomes available! In the meantime, we’re here to help!

·     Text us @ (248)577-9903 or call us @ (866)779-8512.

·     Reach us through online chat at

·     Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.

·     Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Text me! The Benefits of Refill Reminders for Ease & Adherence

We know that our members can’t remain adherent without having their prescribed supplies and medications in hand. A refill reminder system can make a difference for many people, helping them stay on top of their health and compliant with doctors’ orders. At Healthy Living, once a customer enrolls and signs up for reminders, a text or phone call recording is sent every 30 to 90 days, about three days before the necessary reorder date to keep the patient on track with necessary supplies and medications.

Response Rates Are Higher with Reminder Texts

The text reminder option has boosted adherence for Healthy Living customers. We have found that people reorder more readily and frequently via text. For every 100 outbound reminder texts, the Healthy Living customer service team hears back and ships orders for about 70 patients. In comparison, for customers receiving reminder phone calls, only about 30% of patients either confirm their reorder at the moment of the call or by calling back later. Text message reminders really help Healthy Living patients stay on top of their ongoing diabetes maintenance and health.

Sample text message refill reminder

Sample text message refill reminder

Adherence Isn’t Easy

In their Global Research Report, Vision & Reality (9th Edition) , Capgemini Consulting researched and found that patient adherence levels drop over the course of care, from 69% of patients filling their first prescription to 43% of patients continuing their treatment as prescribed after six months.

Capgemini defines ‘patient adherence’ as the extent to which a patient follows a prescribed treatment regimen, including taking a drug as prescribed and following physician advice. They identified these patient-related factors as setbacks to compliance:

·       Forgetfulness and attitude

·       Inadequate knowledge of disease and treatment

·       Perceptions of diagnosis and health risks associated with disease and treatment

·       Misunderstanding of instructions and follow-up routing

Can't Help but Love the Text Reminders

Healthy Living is using this study and similar information to help design processes to improve the entire patient experience. Here are some of the comments we have recently received from customers:

  • "Absolutely love that you text me when it’s time to order.  I'm a terrible procrastinator and have often run out of supplies in the past.  The text system is so easy I now always have my supplies. Thank you!"
  • “I love that Healthy Living texts me before I know that I need diabetic supplies for my daughter."
  • “Super friendly service. I've been better about taking care of myself since you've been sending me my supplies. Thank you.”
  • “I really like ordering via text message. I have nothing but positive things to say about Healthy Living. I am so glad to have found you.”

We are excited that we have found a new way to help Healthy Living Medical Supply customers stay healthier!

  • Text us @ (248)577-9903.
  • Call us @ (866)779-8512.
  • Reach us through online chat at
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.
  • Visit to electronically complete and sign prescriptions for patients.

Creating Connections: Healthy Living Meets Its Members at JDRF Events

Healthy Living joined in the excitement at the JDRF Summer Blast in Taylor last Saturday, August 13. Our group was honored to be a part of the event and enjoyed having the chance to get know (and learn from!) the Type One diabetes community, including a few of our customers and provider partners.

Are you ready for the Giant Jenga Challenge?

Are you ready for the Giant Jenga Challenge?

This past May, the TypeOneNation Summit, also organized by the JDRF, was a great way for the Healthy Living team to meet our members face-to-face. One employee at the event, Autumn, commented, “It was particularly encouraging to see how positive the JDRF community is. The prevailing attitude was hope for the future and tackling diabetes head-on, rather than being a ‘victim.’ We also had a great time with the Giant Jenga Challenge, which was a huge hit!”

The JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that can strike children and adults, and has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. At this time, the disease cannot be prevented or cured.

Coming up this fall, Healthy Living will be participating in the JDRF One Walk at the Detroit Riverwalk on September 25. Click here to register for the walk, start your own team, or donate to the JDRF.

Navigating a New Way: The Top 7 Tips for Diabetes Caregivers

Being a caregiver for a loved one with diabetes and helping prioritize their well-being and positive lifestyle changes (without nagging) can be one of the greatest challenges out there. The American Diabetes Association offers tips for caregivers to help guide readers on a path of least resistance, greatest compassion, and most educated caregiving:

The Top 7 Tips for Diabetes Caregivers

1.     Start your education now.

2.     Take some time.

3.     Encourage self-care, but don’t be a pest.

4.     Make changes together.

5.     Set small goals.

6.     Work with the diabetes care team.

7.     Find support for yourself.

Start Your Education

As we know with any medical condition, the article wisely states that a new diagnosis presents a learning curve. Stacey Simms, a mother referenced in the article, gives encouraging advice. Her 9-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 2. Stacey suggests, “Take a deep breath and realize that the beginning is the worst. Now it’s just our routine, and it will become yours as well, eventually.” Stacey’s thoughts can serve as a great breath of hope.

Find Support

When acting as a primary caregiver for a loved one, there can be precious little time for self-care. The American Diabetes Association highlights taking care of yourself and finding encouragement within the diabetes community, including finding a support group for caregivers.

One mother of a diabetes patient appreciated being part of a group because, “It helps so much to meet others who are going through exactly what you are dealing with.” She finds comfort in the support of people whose lives are affected by similar experiences.

Keep Learning

Check out the full article from the ADA for more details and caregiving advice.

Learn more about support, supplies, and medications from Healthy Living:

  • Reach us through online chat at
  • Call us at (866)779-8512 or text us at (248) 577-9903.
  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.


The ‘Wear-a-Pump Challenge’ Teaches and Inspires the Healthy Living Team

Healthy Living strives to understand the challenges that people with diabetes experience every day. In the last year, seven Healthy Living Medical Supply employees walked in the shoes of their customers in the ‘Wear-a-Pump Challenge.’ Members of the team wore Medtronic and Tandem pumps for a week to take their training and empathy to a new level.

"Wearing the pump for the past three days has been an illuminating experience to say the least – my understanding of insulin pump therapy is MUCH better even after these few days." – Matt

Before wearing a pump, each employee went through extensive online and in-person training, and later in the week learned to place a new pump site and fill the pump reservoir. The greatest challenge for most participants was carb counting.

"Entering carbs was the hardest thing for me as I am used to just eating and not worrying about it, or I am just hungry and want to eat." – Crystal

The Healthy Living team found there were logistical considerations to take into account with the pumps, from showering and sleeping, to exercising and dealing with tubing.

"My tubing was too long and I got caught on many of the items in my house. On Sunday night, my tubing got stuck on something and ripped the infusion set out of my side and that did not feel good."   – Crystal

Matt had the opportunity to teach his own community about insulin pumps and raise awareness about living with diabetes.

"Just like me prior to starting at work at Healthy Living, most all of my friends/family had no idea what an insulin pump was prior to seeing one on my belt. It definitely provoked some good conversation." – Matt

Everyone had great feedback to share about this enlightening experience!

"It would take some getting used to." – April
"Overall, it is a great experience so far!" – Crystal

Learn more about insulin pump therapy from Healthy Living Medical Supply.

  • Reach us through online chat at

  • Call us at (866)779-8512 or text us at (248) 577-9903.

  • Check out our new online store at for accessories and over-the-counter medications.