mental health resources

Finding Experienced Mental Health Care for People with Diabetes

Diabetes management is very challenging, and it's completely normal for people to feel exhausted or stressed in the process. If you find that you are feeling worn out, frustrated, or anxious over an extended period of time, there are health care professionals who are trained and experienced to help people with diabetes distress. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has partnered with the American Psychological Association (APA) to make it simpler for people with diabetes to get high-quality, relevant, mental health care by creating a Mental Health Provider Referral Directory.

Providers in the directory:

  • Are currently licensed as mental health providers

  • Are professional members of the ADA

  • Have demonstrated competence treating the mental health needs of people with diabetes

The providers listed in the directory must have either completed the ADA-APA's continuing ed program in diabetes mental health or have two or more years of experience working with people who have diabetes. Many of the doctors also offer telemedicine services - a method of receiving care from remote locations using technology. Access the provider list here.

Growing with Support – Diabetes & Mental Health

At this holiday time of year, stress and busyness can emphasize feelings and emotions and bring them to the surface more quickly. These are the times when support from a doctor, therapist, or support group pays off. Finding good mental health care that matches a patient’s needs and personal preferences can be a challenge.

Mental health is often forgotten in discussions about wellness for people with diabetes. Beyond Type 1 has pinpointed this need and put together an amazing resource about mental health for Type 1 diabetes patients. On a larger scale, Beyond Type 1 creates and funds a portfolio of programs, technologies and innovations that those living with Type 1 diabetes need to manage, live, and thrive. 


On the Mental Health page of the Beyond Type 1 site, you can share your positive experiences by suggesting a mental health provider, search for and find a provider, and access information to help your mental health provider understand the cross-section of diabetes and mental health. The T1D Guide for Mental Health Providers explains the various emotional impacts and potential mental health outcomes for those living with Type 1 diabetes.

Library of Mental Health Resources

In the Beyond Type 1 library, you can find articles with clinical information, including topics like:

·       Stress – Why and How You Should Reduce It

·       Diabetes Burnout

·       The Truth About Diabulimia

·       Depression and Its Relationship to Type 1

There are also almost 20 personal stories on the site about subjects including:

·       How to Survive a Health Crisis with Your Spirit Intact

·       Bouncing Back and Moving Forward – Diabetes Burnout

·       What Is Diabetes Distress?

·       Body Image and the Pitfalls of Perfectionism

·       The 5 Go-To Yoga Practices That Saved My Life

Check out this resource! It is a great collection of information tailored specifically for patients living with Type 1 diabetes.


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