testing supplies

Six Questions to Consider When Choosing Your Diabetes Supply Provider


When you’re getting ready to choose a diabetes supply provider and doing your research, think about some of these questions to help you make an educated decision.

6 Questions to Consider When Choosing Your Diabetes Supply Provider:

1. Will you spend time on hold when calling in?

It is rare to be on hold longer than 15 seconds waiting to speak with a Healthy Living customer care agent.

2. Will you speak with an agent who is competent about the available products?

We frequently engage our team in all forms of learning experiences about the products we provide to our members. Our team has a deep level of knowledge regarding the products and services that we provide and support.

3. Does the company understand that you are busy?

Healthy Living gets it that most people are really on the go so we offer many ways to reach us and make it easy to approve your refills (phone, text, or email). We also offer web chat.

4. How do they take customer feedback?

We routinely measure how we're doing in the area of customer service by using the Net Promoter Score benchmark and survey. In fact, if you go to our website right now (myhlms.com), there is a survey in process and it will pop up on the home page. Customers may also leave feedback at any time via our Contact page. 

5. What do others say?

Healthy Living Medical Supply and many other suppliers are on social media. Search Twitter for the names of the companies you are considering for your supply needs -- what kind of feedback have they received, and can you find complaints or praise about the company? Search Google and read the company’s reviews. Check their Facebook page as well for customer feedback.

6. Do they have banker’s hours?

Many companies in the diabetes supply business offer hours that are not especially convenient for the busy lives that we all lead. Healthy Living is open until 6 pm each weekday and offers weekend service from 9 am – 3 pm on Saturdays as well. Our goal is to be responsive to the needs of our customers so that they never run out of their critical diabetes supplies.

Get in touch with Healthy Living at 866.779.8512 (phone), 248.577.9903 (text), or via webchat at myhlms.com. We are ready to help!