diabetes and mental health

New Resources in Mental Health & Diabetes - Diabetes Distress & Beyond


Many of us are getting in gear for the holidays, starting with Thanksgiving next week! There is so much festivity and so much to be thankful for this time of the year, but for many people, this is also a very difficult season. Maybe it’s due to the extra responsibilities that translate to more stress. Or maybe old stories or family dynamics make the holiday season a more intense time of the year. With our emotional and brain health in mind, and because I happily stumbled across some new resources focused on mental health and diabetes, I present this information to you:

Dr. Mark Heyman’s Podcast:
The Diabetes Psychologist

"Join Dr. Mark Heyman, a clinical psychologist and a leading expert in T1D and mental health, as he talks candidly about the emotional side of T1D. You’ll hear honest conversations about how T1D impacts mental health, and you’ll get actionable strategies to help you face the emotional challenges of T1D head-on, and live a full life, without letting diabetes get in the way."

From DiabetesMine:
When and How to Take Antidepressants with Type 1 Diabetes

"DiabetesMine explores the contradictory information out there about using antidepressant drugs with type 1 diabetes…take a closer look at when, why, and how taking an antidepressant as a person with T1D could be a safe and beneficial approach to improving your mental health."

Also from DiabetesMine:
Managing Type 1 Diabetes Postpartum: Self-Care After Baby Arrives

"The pressure of diabetes management postpartum certainly comes with less emotional woe and guilt than while your child was actually growing inside you, but the work it requires still persists, of course. The transition from pregnancy diabetes management to postpartum diabetes management can be overwhelming.”

And a final quote with a great visual:

“It’s as if you’re walking through tall weeds, it’s over your head and you have no idea where you’re going. You have no idea what’s forward or what’s back — you can’t see clearly. Taking an antidepressant is like having a step stool that helps you see over the top of the weeds.”

- Dr. Mark Heyman


Encouraging Resources for May - Diabetes & Mental Health

We are nearing the end of Mental Health Awareness Month, but we couldn't have missed this important topic! From small, day-to-day stressors and burdens to larger scale, chronic mental health issues, everyone needs to create their own path to balance and stability. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes bring additional challenges to already complicated lives, but in the midst of this we can strive to find moments of peace, glimmers of light, and hope through connection.

At some point, you may find some encouragement in these resources:

ADA's Mental Health Provider Directory
(Mental health professionals who specialize in diabetes)

Beyond Type 1 Mental Health Resources Page
(Articles on Stress, Diabetes & Type 1, Diabetes Burnout, Diabulimia, Caregiver Burnout, Eating Disorders, Anxiety & Diabetes, Self-Care, and more)

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
(For a deeper dive on mental health issues and concerns)