Give These Insulin Pump Simulator Apps a Shot

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Researching your pump options? Here are some helpful tools from Tandem and Medtronic to help you understand the benefits of different insulin pumps on the market.

t:simulator App from Tandem
With the App, you can experience the touchscreen interface of the Tandem t:slim X2 Insulin Pump with Basal-IQ Technology using a smartphone or tablet. You can also enable "Tool Tips" for a tour of the pump's key features. The App provides info about the pump's technical specifications and access to a glossary of common terms for better understanding.

Download the t:simulator App at the bottom of this page.

MiniMed 670G System Simulator from Medtronic
This application provides step-by-step instructions on the different features of the 670G and 630G insulin pumps. There are training resources for both systems and the capability to explore the insulin pump through different functionality scenarios. You will find device feature videos that give more info about the Auto Mode and Suspend Before Low features.

Download the MiniMed System Simulator through Google Play or on the Apple App Store.