Educating Others About Type 1

Here we are toward the end of November - wrapping up Diabetes Awareness Month! There has been so much going on in the diabetes community, and there is always so much to learn. In this post, we are going to focus on Type 1 diabetes (T1D), and share some resources from Beyond Type 1. Here is some of their widsom: "A big part of spreading awareness is educating others about what Type 1 diabetes is and isn’t. Education is key to dispelling ignorance around the chronic illness and continuing advocacy for those living with it.”

So let's get learning and gather some tools that we can share with our friends and loved ones. One thing I love about the materials from Beyond Type 1 is that they are so well-written, visually awesome, and easy to understand.

What Is Type 1 Diabetes?

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Warning Signs of Type 1 Diabetes

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Healthy Living specializes in diabetes, and our team is well-prepared to provide compassionate, knowledgeable care to the Type 1 diabetes community!