Grunberger Diabetes

Healthy Living Is Looking Forward to Grunberger Diabetes Patient Appreciation Day!

Lake Huron in the morning (photo by M. Lewis)

Lake Huron in the morning (photo by M. Lewis)

Next weekend, Grunberger Diabetes Institute in Bloomfield Hills will host its Patient Appreciation Day. Grunberger Diabetes Institute provides comprehensive patient evaluation and treatment of diabetes and diabetes-related conditions. Healthy Living will have a table and be ready to meet members of the  Institute’s community, talk about insulin pumps and CGM, and enroll attendees for home delivery of diabetes supplies. In addition to educational resources, the event will also have a photo booth for fun, and food and drink.

Grunberger patients – if you haven’t heard, we’re in network with HAP now! Whether you’re a busy parent with a child who’s living with T1D or a member of HAP’s Medicare plan, we can take care of your supply needs with outstanding customer service. Here is a list of all the insurance plans we partner with.

See you there!