The Future of Dexcom and Type 2 Diabetes


Making CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) a true standard of care would require gaining insurance coverage for people with Type 2 diabetes. At the recent JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, Diabetes Mine (a wonderful, influential diabetes blog) discussed how Dexcom is planning to handle the next big wave of CGM with their CEO, Kevin Sayer.

The interview covered topics including creating access to CGM for more people and the smaller, cheaper CGM devices that will be next to the market. I was especially interested in the direction that Dexcom will take to include more people living with diabetes, specifically those with Type 2. A recent pilot study by Intermountain Healthcare followed 50 people with T2 diabetes using traditional fingerstick and another 50 who used CGM over the course of a year. The annual cost savings with CGM computed at $5,000 a year per patient, based on hospitalizations, lab tests, drug costs, doctor visits, and follow up calls. This is a massive cost reduction!

Read the entire illuminating article here to learn more about the future of CGM.