safe at school

Safe at School


The fall transition back to school has begun. For some families, school has started (in one form or another). Other families begin next week, and some kids’ summers will extend through Labor Day. Whether your family and district have chosen in-person learning, virtual learning, home schooling, or a hybrid option, safety is of the highest priority. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) has compiled recommendations for staying as safe as possible, especially in the in-school setting. Here are some highlights from their resource, Safe at School During COVID-19: Recommendations on Returning to School for Children with Diabetes.

How can my child and I limit the spread of COVID-19 at school?

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.

  • Wear a mask when outside of your home.

  • Practice physical distancing.

  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.

  • Avoid touching your face.

  • Avoid being around people who are sick.

  • Follow local and state regulations.

My child is very worried about returning to school. What should I say or do?

  • Keep in mind that every child responds to stress in different ways.

  • Understand the facts so you can provide your child with accurate, age-appropriate information.

  • Limit your child’s exposure to the news and social media.

  • Stress that the pandemic is temporary, and adults are working to keep them safe.

  • It can help to keep a schedule that mimics the school day. A schedule can help children and adults feel that the situation is more predictable.

  • Be an example! Model ways to minimize risk for COVID-19 exposure such as washing your hands, practicing physical distancing and wearing a face mask.

  • Elevated levels of stress can impact blood glucose levels and these tips can help ease your child’s stress.

On behalf of Healthy Living, good luck as a new school year begins! Take care, and let us know how we can help!