504 Plan

Getting Ready for Back-to-School with a 504 Plan

(Flickr, woodleywonderworks)

(Flickr, woodleywonderworks)

Nothing can beat the freedom of summer. I am sad to say that back-to-school time is coming back around the bend. There are many resources that can help you and your kids get ready to head back to the classroom with diabetes.

One aspect of planning that is especially important for children with diabetes is the 504 Plan. According to Beyond Type 1, “A 504 Plan ensures that no student with any sort of disability is discriminated against, and is given the same education as every other student, all the while being provided a safe space to manage their condition as needed during school.”

To learn more and work on developing a 504 Plan for your child, here are some awesome resources:

Enjoy August and savor the rest of your summer!