Learn More : coronavirusdiabetes.org

​COVID-19 isn't new news at this point, but there is a great resource, coronavirusdiabetes.org, waiting for you with information specific to COVID and living with diabetes. 

Members of the diabetes community are among the most vulnerable to serious complications caused by coronavirus.​ This website, brought to us by the JDRF and Beyond Type 1 Alliance, encourages all of us to do our part: "Protect those most vulnerable, including members of the global diabetes community. Protect those who cannot stay home. Protect those on the front lines. Protect our farmers, grocery workers, nurses, and pharmacists. Protect yourself and your family."

Coronavirusdiabetes.org highlights recommendations for people with diabetes that have been endorsed by  The American Diabetes AssociationBeyond Type 1Harvard Medical SchoolISPAD, and JDRF and are being shared by diabetes communities around the world to keep the most vulnerable among us safe. You can download the official behavior change recommendations here.

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