Once in a Blue Moon Halloween


Happy Halloween weekend! This Saturday, October 31, will be an extra exciting, super spooky Halloween with a full moon shining over us. The last time a full moon fell on Halloween was in 1944. Whether we see it will depend on cloud cover, but creatures around the world will have the opportunity to witness a Halloween blue hunter’s moon this year. Learn about more specifics of this moon cycle from NASA.

A blue moon occurs on the rare occasion when there is more than one full moon during a month. A hunter’s moon follows the harvest moon (which fell on October 2 this year). From NASA: According to the Farmer's Almanac, with the leaves falling and the deer fattened, this was the time to hunt. Since the harvesters had reaped the fields, hunters could easily see the animals that had come out to glean (and the foxes that had come out to prey on them). The earliest use of the term "Hunter's Moon" cited in the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1710.

We wish you a very happy and safe Halloween weekend!
Rock those costumes and have fun!